'Visit Source' is now a default filter
Anecdotally, this was the most commonly added filter. So it now appears as standard on most pages. This makes it easier if you want to quickly filter by a particular review channel or survey source.
Anecdotally, this was the most commonly added filter. So it now appears as standard on most pages. This makes it easier if you want to quickly filter by a particular review channel or survey source.
Previously, all reviews showed out of 100 in the inbox – this was to make sure the colour coding still worked alongside feedback and audits which are all out of 100. But it has now been updated to show scores out of 5 instead, as this is more familiar to most users.
1. There was previously one report with a mixture of tabs – some for responses and some for tasks. Navigating them was a bit confusing. So these have been separated into two separate reports in a category called “Actions”.
2. Also, the tasks datasheet now has additional colour-coded columns for 'Days overdue' and 'Duration' (both of which are already in the By Person and By Category pages).
1. NPS Heat Map > By Demographic. We've added buttons for time dimensions to this report. This means you can add rows for day, day part, month or quarter when analysing any demographic or visit profile measure.
2. Reviews Heat Map > Rating Distribution. This has a table to show how the proportion of ratings for each value (from 1 to 5). You can now also see the response rate for each rating (1-5). To keep the report tidy, this is off by default, but it can be turned on with a simple switch.
The HGEM Key Results API has had a couple of enhancements:
1. The date filter has changed from "Visit Date" to "Modified Date". This means you won’t miss out on any records that were created recently but for an older date.
2. New fields have been added for Questionnaire Section (with scores), Question Subject (with scores), and Visit Source. Against each question, you can also get category and analysis tag.
Screenshot 1: NEW TASKS. In the main ‘Task’ list, each tile now shows the title of the task, as this makes it clearer what needs to be done. Previously it showed the branch name – this has been added lower down, next to the assignee.
Screenshot 2: TITLING GUIDANCE. Clearer guidance has been added for users when giving a title to a new task.
Screenshot 1: DISH PERFORMANCE BY KITCHEN. You can now see the performance of each kitchen in the dish heat maps, without results being broken down by each dish. Just use the ‘No selection’ drill down.
Screenshot 2: NPS BY DISH. Extra buttons have been added to this report. Previously you could only see dishes nested into dish types. Now you can choose to see them without being grouped, or you can drill up to see NPS at dish type level.
Two new features this week:
1. BRANCH CODE IN KPIs. Some clients find it useful to see branch codes along with their names. So the KPI report at ‘Location’ level has been redesigned to do this. It also groups together areas and regions with a single heading rather than repeating it on every row.
2. VISIT SCORE IN TASKS REPORT. When looking at the tasks datasheet, it can be useful to know the score for the visit that relates to each task. So we've added this, along with the usual colour coding.
Here's what we've released in the last week:
New Feature RAW DATA. A few updates on this report. There’s a new field for “Answer sample size”. We’ve also added “Section Points Scored” and “Section Points Available” for those who wish to get accurate section scores without needing to average question scores (which would often give a different result). And we’ve added some information about what can happen if you hide blank comments. Hiding these can be useful if you don’t want a load of blank rows, but filtering them out could affect other statistics on the report (for example, the average question score will be different if you exclude responses with no comments).
Update SEPARATE Q&A REPORTS. Some of the “Overview” reports had two tabs, one of which was labelled “Questions & Answers”. This has been separated out for better clarity, so it now appears at the same level in the navigation. The sub navigation for heat maps has been retained.
Update DISH SAMPLE SIZE. The measure for “Dish sample size” used in reports such as KPIs has been refined. This was previously counting the total number of dish answers. If there is more than one question per dish, then there would be more answers than dishes. So it now shows the number of unique dishes per visit that we have feedback for.
The Hub improvements just keep coming! Here's our latest batch released within the last week:
New Feature 1. NPS DAY VS DAY PART. Get deeper insight on what happens at different times during the week. A new page has been added to NPS Heat Maps where you will find a comprehensive range of options to analyse NPS results by day and day part, either by themselves or combined. You can drill down by all the location groupings, such as branch, area, brand, etc.
New Feature 2. TASK CATEGORIES. There is a new option on the Tasks report to view task statistics by category. When you create a task, you can give it a category such as cleanliness or allergies. With this new report, you can get statistics on each category. This can be helpful, for example, if you want to see which categories are taking longest to resolve or have the most complaints.
New Feature 3. SECTION & QUESTION. There is a new option on ‘Audit Heat Maps > Location vs Question’ to group questions by section instead of viewing them alphabetically.
New Feature 4. ANSWERS GROUPED BY QUESTION. Previously, all answers on the Q&A reports were in a single list until filtered. Now they are grouped by question as soon as you land on the page.
New Feature 5. BOOKING.COM IN-APP RESPONSES. You can now respond to booking.com reviews directly from The Hub. Integration is a doddle and can be done in less than a minute if you have the right permissions for your properties - more information in the knowledge base.
Update 6. IMPROVED AUDIT PAGE TIPS. The text on points lost and bonus lost has been separated into its own page tip, and line breaks have been added to ‘How can we do better?’ to aid clarity.