NPS Question Influence - detractor colour gradient
When looking at the NPS by question for detractors, a low NPS should be hot (i.e. red=bad) on the heat map. This is now the case (previously high numbers were showing red for detractors).
When looking at the NPS by question for detractors, a low NPS should be hot (i.e. red=bad) on the heat map. This is now the case (previously high numbers were showing red for detractors).
Here's another batch of improvements added to The Hub in the last 3 weeks:
New Feature RAW DATA - NEW FIELDS. The following fields have been added to offer more granular reporting when building your own reports:
New Feature eNPS OPPORTUNITIES BY QUESTION. The old-style column chart on the eNPS Overview report has been replaced by a new set of 4 charts showing your best opportunities from employee surveys by question, department, longevity and points lost.
Update eNPS DATA IN KPI REPORT. Still in the eNPS space, this new column has been added to KPIs so you can easily see Employee NPS results alongside Guest NPS.
Update DISH COMMENT FEED. The comments feed in the Dish Overview report now shows the dish that each comment relates to.
Update CHANGE TO DEFAULT TIME DIMENSIONS. On the Audit Overview page, this has changed from Week to Month. On Reviews Overview, it has changed from Day to Week. These changes mean the trend chart will suit a majority of users on first landing.
Update REVIEW TREND OPTIONS. The option to trend reviews by Day Part has been removed, as the time of day that the review was left bears no resemblance to the time of the guest’s visit. We have also relabelled the ‘Day’ button to say ‘Day of Review’ as this is more accurate than day of visit.
Fix DISH HEAT MAPS. Dishes were not showing for clients that had no regions. This has been corrected.
Here are details of the latest batch of improvements that we've made to The Hub in the last week:
New Feature DISH KPIs. Buttons for the full range of dish KPIs are now present in the dish overview report. It now defaults to an overall dish score which takes account of any KPIs that you're using. Temperature has also been added to the heat map.
New Feature SHOW/HIDE DATA TABLE FOR EXPORT. All the overview reports have a table at the bottom that is primarily used for exporting comments. As it makes the page slower to load, this is now hidden by default but there's a toggle button to display if required.
Update DELIVERY REVIEWS. A button has been added in to the Reviews Overview to enable you to view delivery reviews (if you are using the Deliveroo integration).
Fix BENCHMARK REPORTS. In the heat map, the 'branch' option was showing areas and regions. In the overview report, the sector comparison was not displaying. Both have been corrected.
Fix SECTION SCORES. There was an occasional small discrepancy between section scores between different reports when some questions were marked as not applicable. This has been corrected.
Thanks to those who provided feedback following the launch of Hub v4 a couple of weeks ago. Here's a summary of changes we've made in that time:
Fix PAGE RESIZING. This has been improved for mobile and zoomed out users.
New Feature RAW DATA. We've added extra column options for section number, question number and full question text. There's also a new filter that you use to filter out rows with no comments.
Update NPS INFLUENCE REPORT. The layout has been improved to make it easier to see how the influence is calculated from promoter and detractor scores.
New Feature TOGGLE BETWEEN % SCORE & RATINGS. This option has been added to feedback and dish heat maps so you can choose between seeing % scores (default) and ratings (which are normally out of 5).
New Feature TOGGLE BETWEEN SAMPLE COUNT & %. This option has been added to the Questions & Answers page on Feedback Overview so you can choose between seeing the sample size as a count or as a % of the total for each question.
New Feature DISH KPIs. An option for dish sample size has been added to the main KPIs report. And all the less common dish KPIs (presentation, temperature, sample size) have been added to the dish heat maps.
New Feature FEEDBACK BY SECTION. An option for questionnaire section has been added to the feedback heat maps.
Fix TASK CATEGORY FILTER. The task category filter has been enabled to work on the Tasks report.
Update PROJECT AUDITS & INTERNAL AUDITS. Dedicated reports for these two visit types have been added to the Audits section. Only users with permission will see them.
Fix AUDIT QUESTION SAMPLE SIZE. Data at question level on the audit heat maps now shows a count for each question rather than the count of visits (as not every question may be asked on a visit).
Update NPS COMMENTS. Comments on NPS reports have now been filtered to exclude comments from other questions in order to keep the focus on NPS.
The Net Sentiment reports are now back to normal. We noticed that they had stopped picking up new data. This was due to a change in the way sentiment is categorised. But it's now fully up to date :)
If you prefer to view photos in the visit report PDF (rather than browse the gallery on The Hub), there are two options: view as thumbnails or as photos. We have improved the latter option so that the images are larger and have treble the resolution. We also fixed a bug where they would sometimes overlap.
When messaging from the guest communications tab in the inbox, guests can reply to your responses. But previously there was no notification of a reply. We have updated this so that the owner of the communication is notified via email when there is a reply.
The identity provider that handles your login now displays a friendlier URL ( in place of the previous convoluted one. We have also dealt with an issue where sessions were needing to be reset.